74: Developing Champions On and Off the Mat with Danna Durante and Sami Durante-Money

The gymnastics program Danna Durante is building at UNC Chapel Hill is truly impressive. Danna and her daughter, Sami, who is also a coach on the staff, dive into how they coach a team of gymnasts through the ups and downs of a meet, a season, and prepare them for a life beyond the gym.

It’s a wide-ranging conversation with leadership lessons that any of us can apply, whether we’re in the gym, in the office, or at home, and as a mother-daughter duo, Danna and Sami have a lot to teach us.

Show Outline

  • 3:20 – Working as a Mother-Daughter Duo
  • 5:27 – Developing Athletes Beyond Gymnastics
  • 10:19 – Sami on Navigating the Role of a Young Coach
  • 12:24 – Preparation and Encouragement on Meet Day
  • 15:31 – Danna on Leading a Team of Coaches
  • 20:14 – Handling Failure and Growth
  • 26:22 – Developing Consistency in Performance
  • 29:06 – Personal Development and Life Lessons
  • 32:09 – Connecting with Student-Athletes

Quotes from the Show

“I get to not just invest in the student athletes, but invest in the coaches and make sure they have what they need.” – Danna (14:25)

“Looking back, if I would just give myself a little bit more grace, I feel like it would have taken me a little bit further.” – Sami (24:04)

“I’ve always been really comfortable with the work ethic piece, but the connection piece and understanding how valuable relationships are and how to work. For me, it is work.” – Danna (35:21)



The New Generation Leader Podcast: Powered by the 5 Voices

In Episode 74, Sami references developing her Voice and speaking up, while Danna mentions building her focus on relationships.

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Full TranscriptEpisode 74

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