Look around you.
It doesn’t take long to witness unrest, disruption, and chaos.
We feel it in our bones.
We see it in our streets.
Violent outbursts and market crashes take their toll. It’s tempting to isolate and insulate. We often settle for cynical minds and calloused hearts as a means of coping with the chaos.
Thankfully, there’s a proven path to peace. Author Jeremie Kubicek serves as our tour guide on a path that yields practical solutions. His ground-breaking Peace Index equips you to identify your perceived level of peace in five critical areas: Purpose, People, Place, Personal Health, and Provision.
But don’t get comfortable or critical—your score is a moving target that changes every day, hour-by-hour, just like life. You need a solid strategy that keeps you grounded and growing, personally and professionally.
Download the show notes at NewGenerationLeader.com/22
- 7:32 – Identify your Superpowers
- 10:03 – What is the Peace Index?
- 11:43 – Manage your emotions so other people don’t have to.
- 13:29 – Gallup’s global sadness study
- 16:16 – confronting the facade of peace
- 18:01 – how can you truly know your people as a leader
- 22:00 – The Peace Index + Mental Health
- 35:43 – The New Generation Leader question: Jeremie answers, “What do you wish you had learned earlier in your career?“