25: The Power of People Analytics: Using Data to Enhance Your Leadership Skills

Culture is the glue that binds an organization together. Build a strong culture, and your organization will be successful.

Navigating culture in the 21st century builds on the New Generation Leader framework – communication, generations, change. Analyzing our culture with data allows for stronger organizations.

Zoe Fragou is an organizational psychologist, researcher, and leadership coach.

  • 1:00 – Favorite food and culture
  • 5:42 – Pandemic’s impact on work and current work landscape
  • 8:05 – Shift of generations in the workplace
  • 12:12 – The power of asking good questions
  • 17:07 – Strongest teams worked with
  • 19:02 – Giving people tools earlier in their careers and lessons learned
  • 23:11 – The Hot Seat question